Navigating Legal Paths And Complexities

Update: SB 968 Signed Into Law by Gov. Brown

by | Nov 12, 2014 | Land Use & Litigation |

As previously noted on this blog, a clash between private property owners and coastal access advocates has been raging in the court system. By signing SB 968 on September 30, 2014, the State of California is now meddling with the previously private dispute. SB 968 will be codified in Section 6213.5 of the California Public Resources Code.

SB 968 directs the State Lands Commission (the “Commission”), comprised of Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, Controller John Chiang, and Finance Director Michael Cohen, to negotiate with the landowner (Sun Microsystems Founder, Vinod Khosla) for beach access rights. If negotiations are not successful between the Commission and Mr. Khosla, the legislature authorized the Commission to acquire the access rights through eminent domain. With the signing of this legislation, the State of California has now officially wadded into a battle over private property and coastal access that is sure to cost millions of dollars over the next several years. Be sure to check this blog for continual updates on this battle over private property rights.

The Loftin Firm, P.C. has over thirty-five years experience handling clients’ real estate and land use matters. If you have any questions about your coastal property rights or land use restrictions, contact us today!