Navigating Legal Paths And Complexities

Why Should An Attorney Prepare a Will and Living Trust?

by | Apr 30, 2014 | Estate Planning |

Why should a Carlsbad Estate Planning Attorney prepare your will and trust rather than simply go on line and prepare it yourself?  Many commentators suggest that legal services are becoming a commodity and, while this may  be an emerging trend, the San Diego County estate planning attorneys at The Loftin Firm P.C. never advise clients to rely on a document preparation service for their vital estate planning documents. Like a recent Florida Supreme Court case highlighted, the omission of a pertinent clause in an individual’s Last Will and Testament can drastically affect the distribution of the assets after death. See Aldrich v. Basile, Case No. SC11-2147 (Fla. S.Ct. Mar. 27, 2014). In contrast, the experienced estate planning attorneys at The Loftin Firm can specifically tailor your estate planning documents to help you proactively plan for the future. An online document preparation service cannot provide this service. As Florida Supreme Court Justice Piente noted in Aldrich, when a testator’s will is ill-prepared, the ultimate cost will far exceed the cost of a personalized, comprehensive estate plan prepared by a skilled estate planning attorney. Id. at 18 (emphasis added).

Contact the Carlsbad estate planning attorneys at The Loftin Firm P.C. today to discuss how we can help you address your needs and your estate planning goals.